Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery

Some deformities in the jaw and face area may be caused by only dental or both dental and skeletal structure disorders. Diş ve yüz şekil bozukları çene cerrahlarının en çok ilgilendikleri alanlardan birisidir. Çene ve yüz bölgesindeki bazı şekil bozuklukları sadece dişsel ya da diş ve iskelet yapı bozukluğundan kaynaklı olabilir. In skeletally developing disorders, maxillofacial surgeons reposition the maxilla, mandible or both jaws in the correct position. In these procedures, the orthodontist usually sorts the teeth and the maxillofacial surgeon performs the surgery. This procedure is called orthognathic surgical procedures. The operation is a procedure that should be performed by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons under general anesthesia.